Sunday, January 4, 2015

Day 4 and All's Well

Although I got off to a rocky start, I think I am doing OK. I have avoided the scale because I don't want to not see any progress... so I ignore the evil, mocking thing and simply pretend it doesn't exist.

Weebles wobble but they don't fall down!
On the practical side of things it has been a bit more difficult than you would think... as I live with my grandmother, a wonderful octogenarian who eats what she wants when she wants it because she has lived long enough to earn that right... dag nab it, lol.  So, I am not able to truly carb proof my kitchen and pantry.  Needless to say, it has been tempting on occasion... okay, all the time.  I mean my grandma hasn't met a carb she didn't like.

On the up side, I have managed to stay below 20 net carbs two days straight... so Yay Me!! This includes surviving the dreaded after church restaurant trip.  My church family has a lunchtime ministry on Sundays called, Eat-N-Pray.  We simply do what the title suggests... visit locally owned restaurants and after eating there we say a group prayer for the owner, employees, the business, and all who eat there.  I lucked out today because we went somewhere with flamed grilled chicken... it was delicious... spicy as all get out, but carb free... whoo hoo!

Tomorrow is Monday... and my first weigh in.... I will have to stop pretending the bathroom scale is simply an oddly placed lonely step and actually use the darn thing.  Guess I'll find out if the first four days have had any measurable impact on my weight....

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