Monday, January 5, 2015

Yay! It's Weigh In Day...

So I wake up...
and realize that although:
  • I only started my Atkins on New Year's Day
    • Where instead of 20 grams of carbs or less I consumed more than 100
      • (darn beans and their hidden carbs... I like chili darn it!)
  • the day that was only 4 days ago

I have to do my first official weigh in. I approached the super fancy (for me) weight watchers scale as if it were a rabid animal and would attack at any moment.

I finally found my courage and stepped on the darn thing.



!!! 269 !!!

Wow!! I know that it's mostly water weight... but really... WOW!

I was 275 on New Years Day.  You see, I did a lot of anticipatory eating in the last days of 2014... I mean who knew when the next time I could have egg nog would be?

Strangely enough, I don't really like egg nog, but I felt compelled to drink some anyway... and eat chocolate... and pizza - LOTS of pizza, pasta, bread... you get the idea.  I gained over 5 pounds in the last 2 weeks of the year. 

So seeing that I had lost 6 pounds already was rather inspiring.  So I will continue to eat eggs, lots of eggs... at least they're versatile little buggers, LOL!

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