Monday, January 19, 2015

Just Another Manic Monday

As I stand on the scale to see my progress I shiver in anticipation... how many of those horrid pounds have I gleefully lost this week???


You read that correctly, none.  Although I am very relieved that the number is not actually larger, I am rather disappointed that the numbers didn't continue to shrink.

Don't get me wrong, I am well aware that weight loss plateaus are a common hurdle in the long journey to a slimmer healthier body... I just didn't want to have it happen to me so soon into this concentrated effort.

My weight has been very high for most of my life. At my heaviest I had shot up to a scale busting 365.  A dedicated effort got my weight down to the 300-315ish range.  Nothing I did seemed to break the 300 pound mark.  For years I dabbled... but other health issues interfered.

After almost 10 years stuck in that range it finally broke last year with the help of some friends who helped me discover exercises I could do, even with my physical restrictions.  I broke the 300 pound mark... but then stalled at around 295.

I had emergency surgery due to injuries sustained in a vehicular incident.  The impact on my weight was startling... after basically eating nothing for almost 3 weeks because of pain and nausea from medications... I weighed in at an amazing 263!  Of course, once I started eating I did gain some of that weight back.

I was holding steady at 265ish when a dear friend decided to start the Atkins plan in an effort to lower his weight and get his blood sugar under control. He is an insulin dependent diabetic.  I agreed to do this with him as a New Year's resolution... and then tried to stuff my face with every single possible thing I was sure I would miss once the new year began... which resulted in a weight gain (I know, big surprise!)

I was 275 on January 1st and am now 265.4... a 9.6 pound loss, not bad at all... so minor disappointment aside, I need to remember it was just about a year ago that I was an alarming 316 pounds so that is a rather nice 51 pound loss!

I pray that I can continue to eat my Atkins approved food choices and try to drink the amount of water I should each day... but always remembering that it is God above who blesses and that it is my reliance on Him that truly enriches my life... not my diet or exercise choices. Amen!


  1. I am the creator of this blog, and I am testing the ability to comment.

  2. I'm going to try this again. I am so impressed with your weight loss. I am also a diabetic and am taking a total of 15 pills a day. Two of those pills are for diabetes with I take several times a day. The others are for high blood pressure, anxiety, panic attacks, sleeping medications, supplements, and high cholesterol. I have been through a very traumatic event and have been diagnosed with PTSD. After all is said and done.. here is my question. I'm very curious about buying the Atkins products and wondering how much it costs a month. I'm living on Social Security and wanting to find something inexpensive to try. All of the medications I take say that the side effects are 'weight gain.' I'm having a terrible with this. I think I've gained about 20 pounds since being diagnosed with all those diseases. That was in 2011. I am starving all the time and can't seem to stop eating. Can you offer any help?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Brandi, Thank you so much for your consistent efforts to comment on my blog. I greatly appreciate the time and encouragement from you. As for your question regarding Atkins products... They are not real inexpensive, but they can be low priced if they go on special so keep your eyes open for sales. The products are found in the freezer section and where the diet meal bars and treats are located.

    However, you can spark your weightloss by eating Atkins style. The eating regime does not require that you purchase special foods... only that you eat certain types of foods while avoiding the overly processed empty carbs found in many foods. I will make a post with links to some of my favorite sites so you can get a better idea of what making this dietary choice will mean to you.

    I do know that Atkins is an excellent choice for diabetics. Three dear friends of mine all have diabetes and have had their blood sugar numbers go way down since starting eating Atkins style. I hope I have answered your questions, and I will be posting soon with greater detail about the eating plan.

  5. I'd love to see some of your favorite sites so I can see what choices there out there. I think this is the diet people were using back in the day when you were a little girl. The diet allowed bacon, eggs, cheese and milk products. You also had to be in ketosis. That meant buying urine strips to keep track of it. If it turned purple that meant you were in ketosis and losing weight. Does any of these sound familiar? I look forward to hearing back from you. It would be great if I got some type of notification when you make a comment here so I can see it right away. Oh Well.

  6. If there is a little notify me box below the comment section, you can click it and you should receive an email if you linked your comments to your Google account. And yes, this does sound like what you are talking about... except not very many people rely on the strips anymore as it is more about making healthy eating choices and less about forcing your body into a certain state.


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